Monte Carlo codes are essential tools for analysing low-energy scattering experiments at electron-positron colliders. Accordingly, there is an extensive and long-standing effort by the community to provide and improve codes that are able to produce fully differential predictions for processes related to e+e− → hadrons at energies of a few GeV. This workshop is organised in the context of the RadioMonteCarlow2 working group.
A coordinated effort from the Monte Carlo community will help to shed light on possible shortcomings or future improvements of these essential simulation tools (e.g. AfkQed, BabaYaga@NLO, KKMC, MCGPJ, McMule, Phokhara, and Sherpa). It will also lead to a better understanding of the impact of radiative corrections on data-driven determinations of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution to the muon g-2. Future analyses from experiments such as CMD-3, KLOE, BESIII, and Belle II will benefit from the planned improvements of these codes.
Attendance in person is highly recommended to encourage discussion between talks. Nevertheless, a Zoom connection will be available.